Writers Freak is a next level classified ad website. It is not an auction site that is going to handle the transaction for you. It’s easy to use as a classified ad website. Once you join for as a seller, you pay $99.00 and get your annual subscription in place for the entire year.  You build your profile and simply list your book for trade or for sale. When someone is interested or ready to get your books, you work out the details with the buyer or you can link over to Amazon, Ebay or any other website to buy your books online. Writers Freak is another place to have your books for sale as a classified ad website.

Let Writers Freak Work For You

Think about Writers Freak like another online bookstore designed as a classified ad website where you can control the content and talk directly with potential buyers.  You can also take advantage of Writers Block that is another built in feature we created for authors to post in our online blog. We’ve taken this beyond a traditional classified ad website.  If you’re wondering if you should join just ask yourself a simple question, “If you can get your book exposed to more people by posting ads that you can control in a classified ad website exclusively for writers, authors, publishers and reading enthusiasts for only $99 a year, why wouldn’t you want to do that?”.  That would be like going into a new or used bookstore and telling the shop keeper that you don’t want your book on their shelves.  Why would any author not want to have the opportunity to expose their books to more people who like to read?

We don’t have listing fees on our website because we charge a small monthly or annual subscription to pay for the hosting of the website. We’re charging an annual subscription and allowing authors or book sellers to leverage our website. The more users we get the more visitors will come to Writers Freak with the potential to find your books.

We’ve tried to keep the cost down to make this website affordable for everyone.